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President's Message

August 2024

Hello Virginia Chapter members!

Just as quickly as it came, summer is almost over. I hope you had the opportunity to take some time off with family and friends.

With fall just around the corner, I wanted to introduce a new and exciting educational opportunity for all of our Virginia members. I feel it is important for everyone to have the chance to join with and learn from the incredible academic institutions we have in Virginia. As part of our new Grand Rounds: Sharing the Education initiative, a rotating academic center will be hosting a statewide Grand Rounds open to all chapter members each quarter. I encourage you to consider joining and learning from some of the premier leaders in cardiology (as well as potentially earning CME)!

The University of Virginia hosts the first event on Wednesday, September 11 where Dr. Bonnie Ky, MD FACC, a world-renowned expert on Cardio-oncology from the University of Pennsylvania, will be speaking. You can learn more about the specifics of this new Grands Rounds: Sharing the Education initiative at

Have a great end of summer!

Victor Soukoulis, MD, PhD, FACC

President, Virginia Chapter ACC

    Grand Rounds: Sharing the Education

    University of Virginia Featuring Cardio-Oncology

    Crampton Grand Rounds

    Bonnie Ky, MD, FACC

    University of Pennsylvania 

    Date: September 11

    Time: 7:30am EDT 

    Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 966 4696 0240; Passcode: 193917)


    Our purpose is to contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, to ensure optimal quality of care for individuals with such diseases, and to foster the highest professional ethical standards.

    The Virginia Chapter ACC supports the American College of Cardiology’s statement of support for the Ukrainian people; see this link for the full statement. logo


    ABMS Seeking Comments on the Proposed CV Board

    The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) has announced the start of a 90-day Public Comment Period seeking input on the new, independent Board of Cardiovascular Medicine proposed by the ACC, American Heart Association, Heart Failure Society of America, Heart Rhythm Society and The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions. The comment period is a critical part of the ABMS application review and an important opportunity for the cardiovascular community, hospitals and health systems, patients and other stakeholders to show their support for the new Board and engage in the decision-making process.

    All comments must be submitted electronically by July 24. In addition to providing basic identifying information, including your name and email, the comment form consists of three main questions: 1) Do you agree with the creation of a new American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine; 2) Does the new Board meet ABMS requirements for initial certification; and 3) Does the new Board meet ABMS requirements for continuous certification? Along with indicating your agreement, the form includes opportunities to provide any comments related to your responses, as well as a chance to upload a letter or document. Additional comments on the ways a specialized, independent Board of Cardiovascular Medicine would benefit you, your hospital, practice and/or your patients are strongly encouraged. 

    To submit your comments, as well as access detailed FAQs, on-demand webinars and a listing of the initial Board of Directors, visit In addition, we encourage you to help spread the word about the comment period using the social media graphic and sample messaging below. Should you need any additional communication support, please contact Shalen Fairbanks (

    VCACC is proud be the official international exchange partner with the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS).

    BVS and VCACC leadership


    Twitter's embedding functionality is temporarily?? out of service. When it is working again, we will restart it on this page. In the meantime, feel free to click on our handle @ACCVirginia to see the latest from the Chapter.

    Virginia Chapter of the American College of Cardiology

    3445 Seminole Trail, Suite 253

    Charlottesville, VA 22911

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