For several years, the Virginia ACC Chapter has worked with the Medical Society of Virginia, physician specialty organizations, and patient advocacy groups to reform prior authorization (PA) policies. Critically needed PA reform legislation (House Bill 2099/Senate Bill 1215) is on the Governor's desk, and we need your help to ensure it gets signed into law. If signed, House Bill 2099/Senate Bill 1215 will:
House Bill 2099/Senate 1215 is fair, sensible legislation that will benefit patients and remove unnecessary administrative burdens for clinicians. Please take 30 seconds to send a letter to Governor Youngkin to SIGN House Bill 2099/Senate Bill 1215. You also have an opportunity to personalize the letter to highlight and share your personal experiences with PA hassles. Click here to send a letter!President's MessageMarch 2025Dear VCACC Members: Spring is in the air which means one thing: the ACC Scientific Session is just around the corner! Hopefully many of you will be able to attend the conference in Chicago and learn about the latest advancements in the field of cardiology (it’s not too late to register!). The 2025 conference actually marks 75 years since the creation of ACC so there are also special events planned around that anniversary. In February, Virginia and other Mid-Atlantic states organized a highly successful Women in Cardiology Mid-Atlantic Retreat (even a widespread power outage in DC couldn’t hold this event back!). Dr. Joanna Lim, MD from Oxford and the British Cardiovascular Society was the keynote speaker as part of our long-standing Virginia-UK collaboration. Kudos to our Virginia Women in Cardiology representative Dr. Patricia Rodriguez Lozano, MD, FACC who co-chaired the event, as well as other prominent Virginia chapter members, such as Doctors Amit Patel, MD, FACC and Mike Valentine, MD, MACC, who contributed as faculty. I am also delighted to announce that Virginia ACC Council member Dr. Qiong Joan Zhao, MD, PhD, FACC will serve as the Activity Director/Chair of the 2025 Mid-Atlantic Capital Cardiology Symposium (MACCS). Dr. Zhao will be leading a team of cardiology providers from across the mid-Atlantic to organize a cutting-edge interactive meeting. Having worked with her in several ACC settings, I know she will be truly outstanding in this leadership role!Finally, I would like to remind everyone that our new Grand Rounds: Sharing the Education initiative continues in April with Inova designing a special Grand Rounds session open to all chapter members in the state. On April 8 at 12:30 pm, Dr. Shashank Sinha, MD, MSc, FACC will be speaking on “Evaluation and Management of Cardiogenic Shock in 2025.” You can learn more about how to join virtually by clicking on the image above. Have a great start to spring and I hope to see many of you in Chicago at ACC.25! Sincerely,
Victor Soukoulis, MD, PhD, FACC President, Virginia Chapter ACC | VIRGINIA CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGYOur purpose is to contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, to ensure optimal quality of care for individuals with such diseases, and to foster the highest professional ethical standards.MACCS CVTeam Education